Treatment Options for PE

The following are the recognized treatment options for erectile dysfunction.

Trimix Therapy

Trimix Therapy was first introduced in early 1980s and has been widely used by doctors around the USA, Europe, Latin America, Australia for decades. In Hong Kong, the therapy has been practiced by doctors since 2004. The efficacy and tolerability of Trimix Therapy is clinically proven by hospitals and universities worldwide. Due to the usage of a mixture of 3 registered and recognized vasoactive agents starting with the letter "P", namely, Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), Papaverine and Phentolamine, Trimix Therapy is also named "3P" Medication therapy in the market.

Unlike the over-the-counter-drugs, "3P" medications are required to be prescribed by a registered doctor. To determine the most suitable dosage, the doctor will conduct relevant tests to evaluate patients' blood flows and the nerve systems.

Trimix Therapy is originally used by doctor to treat patients who have problems of erectile dysfunction. However, subsequent clinical studies discovered that this therapy can also be effective in the treatment of premature ejaculation. Since this therapy ensures a prolonged erection, it can provide a sense of control, this improves patients' confidence and reduces psychological burden. Over a period of time of treatment, the ejaculation latency time will be extended, even in the absence of Trimix Therapy.

Other remarks of Trimix Therapy:

  • Prolonged erection may occur in certain patients. Therefore, professional monitoring is strongly recommended.
  • The cost of "3P" medications is generally higher than other medications.
  • Since good treatment compliance is necessary for satisfactory therapeutic effects, "3P" medications need to be applied every few days throughout the treatment course.

Stop and Start Method

Drs. Master and Johnson pioneered this method of identifying and controlling sensations through sexual stimulation. It can be accomplished with or without a partner. This method requires that the man repeatedly engages in sexual stimulation until he realizes that he is about to ejaculate. Then stop and relax before recommencing. Repeating this would help men indentify the point of climax, where ejaculation would be inevitable. This will be helpful when interacting with partner.

Squeeze Method

he Squeeze Method also involves sexual stimulation until just prior to the "point of no return". At this time, the man or his partner gently squeezes the tip or the base of the penis for several seconds. Further stimulation is withheld for about 30 seconds and is then resumed. The man or the couple may choose to repeat the sequence and continue stimulation until ejaculation occurs.

Biofeedback Therapy

Biofeedback Therapy enables a men to become aware of the muscles that control ejaculation with the use of "Kegel exercises". These exercises consist of contracting the pelvic floor muscles for variable time intervals (e.g. 10 seconds), and are usually practiced first during urination. By starting and stopping the urinary stream, such muscles can eventually be indentified and strengthened. The goal of the method is to allow men to achieve a form of orgasm without allowing ejaculation.

Drug Therapy

Some studies have revealed that low doses of antidepressants such as Anafronil, Prozac, and Zoloft are effective in prolonging ejaculation latency time by up to 5-10 minutes. There are, however, a few side effects which are not well tolerated by some patients.

Desensitizing Creams

The application of desensitizing creams serves to lessen the sensations felt by men during intercourse. However, many men have found intercourse to be less pleasurable due to decreased stimulation; and partner is also desensitized if no condom is used. Moreover, desensitizing creams would become less effective once patients developed tolerance to them.

Different Sexual Positions

Sex position can affect a man's ability to control his ejaculation. For example, the man-on-top position is harder for men to control their ejaculation timing, because they have to hold themselves up; the woman-on-top position, in contrast, is more relaxing for men, and can help ejaculatory control.


Premature ejaculation can be a result of marital and relationship problems. Sessions with counselors might help improve ejaculation problems in some patients by addressing and identifying such issues. Since there is no best method of PE treatment, a combination of the above methods may be prescribed sometimes for the best result.

Sex Therapy

For further information or to make an appointment, please call MHS on (852) 2375-3322.
