What are the Common Signs and Symptoms of STDs?

The followings are the common symptoms of STDs. Do not hesitate to seek medical help if any suspicious symptoms developed, even if they are mild. These symptoms include:

  • Burning sensation in genital area or during urination
  • Itching in genital area
  • Abnormal discharge from the urethra or vagina
  • Painful/ painless sores in genital, anal or oral areas
  • Warts in genital or anal areas
  • Lumps in genital or anal areas
  • Foul smell from genital area
  • Painful bowel movements
  • Painful intercourse

Since most STDs do not have obvious early symptoms, sexually active people should have regular medical check ups. As many STDs have recurring symptoms (symptoms that go away but reoccur from time to time), disappearance of such symptoms does not mean that the person is cured.
